27 Jun

How Job Loss Affects Your Mortgage Application


Posted by: Greg Domville

How Job Loss Affects Your Mortgage Application.

Whether you’ve made an offer on a home already or are still in the process of looking, you already understand that buying a home is likely the largest investment you’ll ever make.

When it comes to your mortgage application, there are a few things that you should avoid doing while you’re waiting for approval – such as making large purchases (i.e. a new car), applying for new credit, pulling additional credit reports, etc. Another issue that can come up is the loss of your job.

What you can afford to qualify for in relation to your mortgage depends on your income. As a result, the sudden loss of employment can be quite detrimental to your efforts. So, what do you do?

Should You Continue With Your Mortgage Application?

If you’ve already qualified for a mortgage, but your employment circumstances have changed, your first step is to disclose this to your lender. They will move to verify your income prior to closing and, if they have not been told in advance, it may be considered fraud as your application income and closing income would not match.

In some cases, the loss of your job may not affect your mortgage. Some examples include:

  • You secure a new job right away in the same field as previously. Keep in mind, you will still need to requalify. However, if your new job requires a 3-month probationary period then you may not be approved.
  • If you have a co-signer on the mortgage who earns enough income to qualify for the value on their own. However, be sure your co-signer is aware of your employment situation.
  • If you have additional sources of income such as income from retirement, investments, rentals or even child support they may be considered, depending on the lender.

Can You Use Unemployment Income to Apply for a Mortgage?

Typically this is not a suitable source of income to qualify for a mortgage. In rare cases, individuals with seasonal or cyclical jobs who rely on unemployment income for a portion of the year may be considered. However, you would be asked to provide a two-year cycle of employment followed by Employment Insurance benefits.

What Happens During Furlough?

If you did not lose your job entirely but have instead been furloughed or temporarily laid off, your lender may take a wait-and-see approach to your mortgage application. You would be required to provide a letter from your employer with a return-to-work date on it in this situation. However, if you don’t return to work before the closing date, your lender may be required to cancel the application for now with resubmitting as an option in the future.

Have You Talked to Your Mortgage Professional?

Regardless of the reason for the change in your employment situation, one of the most important things you can do is contact a Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert directly to discuss your situation. They can look at all the options for you and help with finding a solution that best suits you.

Written by MY DLC Marketing Team

20 Jun

The Two Most Costly Words in Personal Finance


Posted by: Greg Domville

The Two Most Costly Words in Personal Finance.

Most of us have experienced how YOLO (You Only Live Once) is the one word that often leads to a pile of unpaid credit card bills and more than a few regrets down the road. However, YOLO has a contender for the world’s most expensive word, and that word is procrastination.

Enriched Academy are huge believers in education, fact finding, and analysis before making any important financial decisions, but at some point, you have to act. Whether it’s opening an online brokerage account, meeting with a financial coach, or simply inputting your monthly household expenditures into a spreadsheet, you need to get moving.

There are lots of reasons why we kick financial matters down the road — not enough time? lack of knowledge? low motivation? Regardless of the reason, if you need a little inspiration, here are five examples that clearly demonstrate the cost of procrastination when it comes to managing your money.

Attacking your debt problem

If you have credit card debt, car loans, or a line of credit that you are in no hurry to eliminate, you need to look at how much it is costing you. Credit card debt has always topped the list and even the so-called “low interest” credit cards are around 10% (most charge double that rate). Paying the minimum 3% will get you nowhere fast — at the usual credit card rate of 20%, a $1000 balance will take 11 years to eliminate and cost you another $1000 in interest.

Starting your retirement planning

Too little, too late is the story for many Canadians when it comes to funding their retirement. CPP and OAS aren’t enough to save you. Did you know you have to pay into CPP for 39 years to claim the maximum amount and that the average monthly payment is currently $811? If you don’t know where to start, open a TFSA and focus on putting in as much as you can each year. Your annual contribution limit is $6500 but it carries over from year to year and you may find you have a lot of unused contribution room. Make sure to invest your TFSA funds and don’t let it sit in cash.

Analyzing expenses and budgeting

Next month is not the time to start figuring out where your money goes every month and where you could/should/need to cut back on spending. The time to get started is today, and it has never been easier with hundreds of online applications and spreadsheet software, or you can go old school with pen, paper and calculator.

Getting started with investing

Getting a late start makes it very difficult to catch up because you seriously reduce the effect of compound investment returns. Investing $500 monthly at 5% starting at age 25 versus age 35 will cost you an extra $60K, but it will add over $325K to your retirement fund by age 65. You don’t need to be an investing genius to get going, there are lots of low-cost, low-maintenance and relatively simple ways to manage your own investing these days.

Creating an emergency cash reserve and a will

If the pandemic taught us anything, it was to prepare for the worst. Your income could unexpectedly and very easily disappear for a number of reasons, so you need to have enough cash on hand to tide you over for a few months. As for a will, they are lots of options (including online) these days and there isn’t any valid excuse for not having one, especially compared to the mess it leaves behind for your loved ones if you die without one.

A YOLO attitude and procrastination sound harmless enough, but they can seriously derail your finances. Make sure to keep them at bay or your financial goals will continue to be elusive.

Written by MY DLC Marketing Team

13 Jun

Second Mortgages: What You Need to Know


Posted by: Greg Domville

Second Mortgages: What You Need to Know.

One of the biggest benefits to purchasing your own home is the ability to build equity in your property. This equity can come in handy down the line for refinancing, renovations, or taking out additional loans – such as a second mortgage.

What is a second mortgage?

First things first, a second mortgage refers to an additional or secondary loan taken out on a property for which you already have a mortgage. This is not the same as purchasing a second home or property and taking out a separate mortgage for that. A second mortgage is a very different product from a traditional mortgage as you are using your existing home equity to qualify for the loan and put up in case of default. Similar to a traditional mortgage, a second mortgage will also come with its own interest rate, monthly payments, set terms, closing costs and more.

Second mortgages versus refinancing

As both refinancing your existing mortgage and taking out a second mortgage can take advantage of existing home equity, it is a good idea to look at the differences between them. Firstly, a refinance is typically only done when you’re at the end of your current mortgage term so as to avoid any penalties with refinancing the mortgage.

The purpose of refinancing is often to take advantage of a lower interest rate, change your mortgage terms or, in some cases, borrow against your home equity.

When you get a second mortgage, you are able to borrow a lump sum against the equity in your current home and can use that money for whatever purpose you see fit. You can even choose to borrow in installments through a credit line and refinance your second mortgage in the future.

What are the advantages of a second mortgage?

There are several advantages when it comes to taking out a second mortgage, including:

  • The ability to access a large loan sum (in some cases, up to 90% of your home equity) which is more than you can typically borrow on other traditional loans.
  • Better interest rate than a credit card as they are a ‘secured’ form of debt.
  • You can use the money however you see fit without any caveats.

What are the disadvantages of a second mortgage?

As always, when it comes to taking out an additional loan, there are a few things to consider:

  • Interest rates tend to be higher on a second mortgage than refinancing your mortgage.
  • Additional financial pressure from carrying a second loan and another set of monthly bills.

Before looking into any additional loans, such as a secondary mortgage (or even refinancing), be sure to speak to your DLC Mortgage Expert! Regardless of why you are considering a second mortgage, it is a good idea to get a review of your current financial situation and determine if this is the best solution before proceeding.

Written by MY DLC Marketing Team

13 Jun

In an Aggressive Move, the BoC Hikes the Policy Rate by 25 BPs


Posted by: Greg Domville

In an Aggressive Move, the BoC Hikes the Policy Rate by 25 BPs.

Holy Smokes, The Bank of Canada Means Business

If there were any doubt that the Bank of Canada wanted inflation to fall to 2%, it would be obliterated today. In a relatively surprising move, the Bank hiked the overnight policy rate by 25 bps to 4.75%, and an equivalent hike will follow in the prime rate. Fixed mortgage rates had already leaped higher even before today’s move as market-determined bond yields have risen in the wake of the US debt-ceiling debacle. Now variable mortgage rates will increase as well. The central bank is determined to eliminate the excess demand in the economy.

“Monetary policy was not sufficiently restrictive to bring supply and demand into balance and return inflation sustainably to the 2% target,” the bank said, citing an “accumulation of evidence” that includes stronger-than-expected first-quarter output growth, an uptick in inflation and a rebound in housing-market activity.

I had thought that the Bank would want to see the May employment data and the next read on inflation before they resumed tightening, but with the substantial May numbers in the housing market, the Governing Council jumped the gun.

The Reserve Bank of Australia did the same thing earlier this week. But their economy was already softening. On the other hand, the Canadian economy grew by a whopping 3.1% in the first quarter and is likely to surprise on the upside in Q2, boosted by a strong rebound in housing. If the correction in housing is over, then the Bank has failed to cool the most interest-sensitive sector in the economy. Governing Council fears that inflation could get stuck at levels meaningfully above the 2% target.

Bottom Line

The next Bank of Canada decision date is a mere five weeks away. While we will see two labour force surveys and one inflation report, the odds favour another rate hike before yearend. The BoC concluded in their press release that, “Overall, excess demand in the economy looks to be more persistent than anticipated.”

No doubt, if the data remain strong over the next several weeks, another 25 bps rate hike is likely in July. Deputy Governor Beaudry will flesh out today’s decision in his Economic Progress Report tomorrow.

Written by DLC Chief Economist Dr. Sherry Cooper